Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Disneyland Vacation Planning DVD

This weekend our 2-year-old found the Disneyland Vacation Planning DVD in our drawer of puzzles and videos.

"Me watch Disneyland!" she proclaimed, handing the disc to me.

I plugged it into the player and soon, we were reliving the magic :) The Magic Hat at the Disneyland Hotel, the Disneyland Railroad, the characters, the restaurants...I confessed how I was trying to find a way to get us there for Christmas.

"We just go! Go Disneyland now!" says our daughter, full of answers.

I would love to have just booked the trip then and there, but alas, my practical side says - pay off the last Disneyland trip first! The quest for cash continues.....


Audra said...

Aw! How cute! Take more paid post opportunities! lol.

They've started decorating for the harvest. It made me love this time of the year that much more.

Dakota said...

Audra - Taking all the ops I can!!

I've never been to Disneyland in the Fall! I've only been in the spring and summer. (Well, I probably went other times when I was a little kid and we lived nearby, but I don't remember the details.) Someday, when I am out of law school, we can do Disney in the Fall :)

Anonymous said...

Hi... just happen to cross your site...

Im planning to go to Tokyo or Hong Kong Disney this Christmas. Hoho and I found some stuffs from Hong Kong Disneyland here as well:

I will definitely take tones of photos there!!!